Joined PhilCare’s Health and Wellness Tea Party

No matter what role you play at home, at work, in the community, for your loved ones, friends and colleagues, one utmost need is required : perfect health. There is no way that we can deliver the best we can if we do not feel well. PhilCare on its 33rd anniversary, invited 20 blogger moms (including myself) to an intimate tea party in celebration of health and wellness.

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It was a breath of fresh air to have met PhilCare Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Patty Henson. She asked relevant questions that had all the mommy bloggers thinking how well we are and how prepared we are for the future. PhilCare certainly feel the same mom-needs of being on top of everything that concerns family, particularly, health. And so the afternoon started with delectable food from Chateau 1771 but the afternoon got better when PhilCare started handing out the perfect gift for my mom – an Php80,000 medical coverage. God has been so faithful in keeping us all healthy, safe and protected and He also grants blessings of health through medical provision and coverage but this one is an even more pleasant surprise because it is something I can have my mom use.

picture2Now everyone can have access to a competitive medical coverage plan without having to sign up to an employment contract, without having to step out of the house, and without even having to break your budget. It takes as easy as 3 steps.

Step 1: Online purchase of cards at Just as how you would do a regular online purchase, you would end your web session with no less than medical coverage in tow.

Step 2: Cards get delivered nationwide. Now the demands of your family role or your job will never have to take you away from good health, you have just spared yourself from signing too many forms, and even from lining up for medical exam requirements.

Step3: SMS Activation – Now this is the easiest part. Send an SMS and you should be ready to use the card anytime you need to. What I like most about it is I can give it to my mom as a gift, without her having to worry about activation or more paperworks.

PhilCare, one of the first health maintenance organization (HMO), truly knows how to make things easier for mommies like me. I went home with the gift of health, not just for myself but also more than enough to share with my mom. PhilCare partners with mommies to commit to a healthier lifestyle, I also got to take home a mommy-pampering-kit.

picture5picture3picture4Got to see blogger friends from, and www.unfoldedbyxtal.blogspot.comLazada Philippines

Lazada Philippines

Lazada Philippines

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