A Day with Kids: Peppa Pig Live Treasure Hunt

Summer has a way of making each day a Saturday for kids. So earlier today, we all woke up with excitement as all kids prepped up for a day to spend with Peppa Pig on a Live Treasure Hunt Puppet Musical Show. Trooped to Meralco Theater Pasig and surprisingly, Saturday traffic was not that bad so we had a good hour and a half to wait before show started. Dad suggested we stop at McDo right across Meralco Theater for Happy Meal. So off we ate, seated with other kids who have Peppa Pig toys on hand or kids who are singing Peppa Pig sing-along songs. rsz_1mbp_pink

It was our first time to go to Meralco Theater and was surprised to see how kid-friendly the place was.

Meralco advocacy programs for families, sports and communities with banners and wall murals are all over the grand lobby.
Meralco advocacy programs for families, sports and communities with banners and wall murals are all over the grand lobby.
Electric bicycles were parked past the parking entrance, life-teach opportunity with the kids, switching Science-topics-mode on. Pretty soon, got a long list of questions around electricity and what we use it for.
Just behind the electric bikes, we see Lightbringer, Meralco’s very own Transformer. It is one and the same Meralco robot seen since 2010.

We were greeted by booths past the lobby. It looked like it was a kids’ paradise.

Nickelodeon booth gave away loot bags to raffle winners and postcards for kids. A Peppa Pig classroom play set was also up for grabs to all moms who agree to be part of Nickelodeon’s mailing list.

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Baskin Robbins was also there, tried their cookies and cream and cherry flavoured ice creams.

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Peppa Pig toys from Toy Kingdom also set up shop, got all kids jumping around in frenzy and excitement.
Peppa Pig toys from Toy Kingdom also set up shop, got all kids jumping around in frenzy and excitement.


Show starts and moms, dads and kids alike shout in excitement as the curtains open. The show had everyone singing along, dancing, shouting names of George, Peppa, Mr. Crab, Daisy and the rest. Ushers and usherettes helpfully led everyone to seats. Just one pain point, though. It was a whole lot distracting to have some moms with turned on, glaring phones as they video the entire show. This was despite the voice over warning onset of the show. Also, make sure you get your kids visit the washroom before show starts. Washroom is past the entrance doors and an usherette asked to see the tickets on your way back instead of referring to hand stamps, this could have quickly set apart latecomers which are allowed to come in all throughout the show. It can take a while before you can ease back into your seats.

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Pura d'or Shampoo Giveaway


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